Face Masks

Let's focus on positives, potential and progress, no?
Our job as designers, and creative thinkers is to get to that place and bring others along on that journey with us.


I'm gonna do some sewing... any requests?


Black denim facemask 🤘

You're such a goth.


"Help make masks for hospital staff! There is a HUGE and ever growing need for more masks. While these are not medical grade, they are better than nothing, and can fit over N95 masks or other filtering masks. They can also be used in other areas of the hospital, freeing up the medical grade masks for the ER workers on the front line. We have communicated with a local hospital about desired specifications and they have approved this design. They need masks ASAP."

I thought this was quite interesting... I would assume that the masks would need to be made out of a specialist material, however from this article, I understand that we could make these cotton mask/covers to go over the top of the medical grade masks as an extra protection?
There's a fashion company nearby to me, that is posting links on how they're making masks, and trying to get them out to medical staff.

"If you are a company with sewing capacity, machinery, facilities and can help replenish stocks of masks/gowns for our medical sector + their support teams please register your capacity at this Cabinet registration link:
Please note - both email addresses I have shared previously are now flooded and you must register on the link as it’s faster for them to filter the information - for now this looks like it is solely for companies rather than individuals but this may change in the future...
P x

I had the idea of suggesting this to Ravelry (6 million knitters). So asked my friend who runs big med-tech company. He said no no everything has to be super sterilised. But that's the official line. Someone should maybe ask a front line nurse?
Maybe how you feel/look matters, as well as being virus free? Also to the patients?

Yeah for sure... sterilisation is obviously incredibly important. I would be surprised if a boil wash type thing wasn't enough though? But I'm not 100% sure on that end of things.
I guess availability is a factor too...?
Something is better than nothing?
And if a mask can look/feel less menacing too see and to wear, maybe that's important to how people relate and feel during isolation?

Some kind of bandana that identifies you as member of a local solidarity group? Like gangs do - but sweet ones?

I was watching one of those surgery shows on TV the other day, and the surgeon was wearing a pokemon bandana... I feel it made things better 😂


Frontline staff are wearing very close fitting masks. There is a whole debate about masks... if people adjust them whilst they are on, then they infect there hands from outer surface of mask. They also make people feel protected when they are not. Nursing staff should only wear a mask once.
It's a big debate, and I admire the people trying to help.
Keep yourself well and safe. XSue


Linen fabric is naturally antibacterial because of the fibre make-up.

I take it all back. Look at this!

"Researchers at Cambridge University tested a wide range of household materials for homemade masks. To measure effectiveness, they shot Bacillus atrophaeus bacteria (0.93-1.25 microns) and Bacteriophage MS virus (0.023 microns in size) at different household materials."

"Bottom line: Test data shows that the best choices for DIY masks are cotton t-shirts, pillowcases, or other cotton materials.

These materials filter out approximately 50% of 0.2 micron particles, similar in size to the coronavirus. They are also as easy to breathe through as surgical masks, which makes them more comfortable enough to wear for several hours.

Doubling the layers of material for your DIY mask gives a very small increase in filtration effectiveness, but makes the mask much more difficult to breathe through."

I suppose it depends where people wear them. In a hospital context, the surgical masks are not good enough. We spoke to an ear nose and throat surgeon yesterday. Two of his colleagues were only equipped with such masks a few weeks ago, were admitted to ICU, one of them has since passed away.
Best simply to stay home.

Such sad news Anne... and I hear you.
I was thinking sewing them for the staff of our two local corner shops. They re-open in the mornings, don't have a lot of clients, but have zero protection. For them, it might have good use.

Yes that's true I was thinking of my corner shop guy... or as an extra measure for the public when getting groceries/meds/or doing home deliveries etc.

Definitely, as long as they don’t keep touching their face to readjust them.
It's really tough.
It's also just nice as a gesture, for them to know that people care about their safety.

Also very true! Therefore they have to be as comfortable as possible... super important.
Also the sense of being powerless is doing us all in. Sewing a mask with max. 50% protection, is helpful - far from perfect - but helpful nevertheless... for receiver as well as maker.
50% is not bad. Dangerous for medics, but it might halve the risk for shopkeepers. That is something.

Definitely... and there are also positive stories from the medics about the comradery, service to patients and changes in behaviour eg. how to do social distancing when dealing with a trauma case that requires attention from lots of people at the same time. Offering masks to people who currently have nothing is absolutely a good thing. Ignore my overly negative response.


You may have seen this. I am now making masks. XSue

Sue's pattern draft:

Ear loops 15 cm long... and need to allow extra for attaching.
Soft elastic.
Could also try a snood or head wrap style and compare the comfort and ease of getting on and off?


I don't have time for a creative sewing project so we will just stay in the forest for a week or so longer until I conjure up some time. 


"This week, we are sharing the simplest, easiest and useful mask tutorial. No cutting or sewing is required. (Yes, it's true!)
This mask is not meant to replace surgical face masks, but when you must go out, something to cover yourself is better than nothing, and at the very least, it will remind you to not touch your face."

That's brilliant! I have a piece of square cloth I got in Kyoto that folds into a beautiful bag... this level of simplicity makes me think of that traditional folded bag!
Thank you!


The addition of a second panel on the bridge of the nose is a nice detail.
