Day ??? in Covid-19 Madness

This was a strange day, but so was yesterday, and the day before yesterday... it feels like strange is the norm these days.

We woke up today to the police, phoning to follow up on a complaint we made. Less than fifteen minutes later we get a knock on the door! Who on earth is knocking on our door during a lockdown? It turns out, it's our next-door neighbour who suffers from mental health issues. She locked herself out, and she needed help with getting into her apartment. As she had no extra key and didn't know what to do, my partner phoned the police for her to get some help for the situation... the second time he spoke to the police that day, and he hadn't even had his morning coffee! A strange day indeed.

Another fifteen minutes later and the police arrived. That was quick! Is it just me or is everything running more efficiently during lockdown? We let the police deal with the situation, and Theun (my partner) finally gets to have his morning coffee and a cigarette (or two). Another fifteen minutes pass by and the police knock on our door again. It turns out the poor woman was locked out all night, and slept in the hallway! They give us the details of the social worker that should be helping her, and tell us to call her if necessary. Theun tells our neighbour, for the third time, to let us know if she ever needs anything and closes the door.

By this point, I was about to cry. That poor woman locked herself out all night, and slept in the hallway as she had no idea what to do. I'm not even sure if she realizes she shouldn't be going out either... as far as I know, she has no tv, and I'm not sure if she ever reads the news.

After that's been dealt with I try to get back to the daily routine I'm attempting to follow for the second day now. I sit down to meditate for half an hour, whilst Theun goes in to have a nice, relaxing shower. Five minutes in, and another knock on the door! Seriously! How do you go from no one knocking on your door in weeks to three in less than an hour! Theun rushes out of the shower, still dripping, to find out it's his medicine, ordered from boots three weeks ago, meant to be delivered next day! Maybe not everything is running more efficiently during lockdown!

I go back to my meditation, and try to focus on the sensations of my body. But my mind keeps floating away to the morning's events, things I should be doing today, emails I should write, and conversations I had two years ago. Right meditation is done, time for yoga. I search through my sister's youtube channel to find an interesting class that lasts thirty minutes. I unfurl my yoga mat and start. Thirty minutes later, and I realize that yoga has managed to stop my floating mind and ground it somewhere. Good. I can start my day now.

Oh no... wait... breakfast first! Can't work on an empty stomach. I make an omelette and some foul (a Palestinian dish made from mashed fava beans, tahini, garlic, chillies, salt and lemon juice. Nom nom! Now I can start my day!

I have my second (or maybe third?) cup of coffee for the day, and sit down and start responding to emails regarding the COVID-19 Mutual Aid group in my neighbourhood that I'm volunteering for. It's been slowly taking over my life.

Fifteen minutes, fifteen coffees, and two lunches later... and it's 20:40. The day is over! How did that happen? Isn't it weird how the days of the quarantine pass much quicker than the days before?
What another weird and very quick day indeed!
